Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Taking Risks

New job, new location, new apartment, new relationships...New is different, it's scary. New means you took the RISK of letting go of the old. Aahhh, taking risks--it's something that we all have to do (or need to do) but things like fear, pressure or uncertainty stop us. If you're lucky enough, you get past the uncertainty and you make a goal. If you're strong enough, you push through the pressure and see your goal. But if you're bold enough, a real bad ass, you go for your goal...full throttle, laughing at fear behind you.

So here is my question...What is stopping you? If there was only one rule of a southern belle it would be to TAKE RISKS! Risk getting hurt so you can fall in love, risk feeling betrayed so you know how to trust, risk falling so you can be at the top. As scary as failure may seem, not going for your dreams and living a life full of regrets is petrifying.

So make a goal...one that makes you sick, that keeps you dreaming during the day and wakes you up at night. See your goal...You can't look at where you are now but where you want to be. Go for your goal...because complacency is not an option for a charming Southern Belle!

"I have failed over and over again- that is why I succeed" Michael Jordan

Love you Mean it,


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